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Tailored courses

If the open course dates are not suitable for you or you need to train more people from your company or the current open trainings do not offer a suitable content for you, we will be glad to prepare a tailored course for you. The course can be held in our classrooms or at your company.

You can enquire about tailored courses mainly in the following areas:

  • Management & Leadership;
  • Marketing & Sales;
  • Personnel Management;
  • Enterprise.

With regard to the wide range of topics taught at the University of Economics and the narrow interconnection with practice in these areas, do not hesitate and make an enquiry concerning other areas, such as financial management, strategic management, logistics and many others.

We have provided tailored courses for the following companies


“Project Management for Secondary Schools” course (one year)

T-Mobile Czech Republic a.s.

Course of Social and Management Skills

Czech Social Security Administration

Šestidenní kurz „Manažerské dovednosti“

“Management Skills” course (six days)

Teva Czech Industries s.r.o.

Management Responsibility and Ethics of Values course

KUSTOD, s.r.o.

Two-year educational programme for head teachers

Nadace Charty 77 Konto BARIÉRY

Course of banking for the disabled

Metrostav, a.s.

“Marketing in the Construction Market” educational programme

Komerční banka, a.s.

“Marketing Growth” educational programme

Century 21 Czech Republic

“International Management Academy” educational programme

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