Ing. Martin Láska

InStore a Shopper insight director, 4P&P

Martin has been oriented on retail research for over 15 years. During this time he gained a profound experience in the branch of category management, merchandising, shopper marketing and retail audit. He held the responsibility of processing and executing the strategies leading to development and expansion of the key business activities.

He obtained his experience while working in various managing positions for Nielsen. At the moment Martin supervises the Instore marketing and Shopper insight unit at 4P&P. He is also an independent consultant in the field of trade marketing, shopper marketing, and category management, a counselor specialized in marketing research and retail market analysis and at last an external lecturer at the University of Economics, Prague. Martin arranges trainings focused on category management process and workshops and at the same time, he is a leader of many category management projects with the specialization of marketing data evaluation, implementation of tested in-store activities and analysis of the results. He completed his studies at the University of Economics, Prague with management diploma.



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